Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Israel holds millions of Palestinians subject to harsh and illegal treatment.
While Americans concentrate on the cost of rescuing the U.S. financial system, and Europeans worry about how the worldwide financial crisis will affect them, Israel blithely, with U.S. government and European community approval, deprives Gaza's entire civilian population of food, medicine and clean drinking water.
Israel always manages to commit its worst deeds when no one else is looking. If they happen to be caught, they blame it on the Palestinians – on a few resistance fighters lobbing rockets into Israel in retaliation for a broken cease-fire. To the Israeli, the actions of a few violent Palestinians are justifiable cause for genocide of the entire Palestinian population in Gaza.
Israel has been terrorising Palestinians & Lebanese for such a long time, killing civilians and destroying their homes.
Israel is not fit to accuse other countries of terrorism. It should look at itself before making any accusation to others. Israel has been terrorising the Palestinians and Lebanese for such a long time, killing innocent people and destroying their buildings and homes.
The U.S., EU and Israel accuse resistance fighters who fight against their soldiers to defend their own countries such as Iraqis, Afghans, Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorists, while the killing of civilians and bombardment of homes and buildings by foreign forces in occupied lands is considered the work of “good people”!
World leaders, including the Arabs, know about these crimes, but they choose to keep quite!
Joe Mowrey writes:
"As conditions in the Gaza Strip approach a catastrophic level of deprivation, the world media, and in particular the U.S. media, remain largely silent. The United Nations, whose truckloads of food and medical supplies continue to be denied entry into Gaza by Israel, appears to be one of the few international voices of dissent concerning the collective punishment of 1.5 million human beings."

As soon as someone takes notice of what Mowrey is talking about, the Israelis open the gates to allow a smattering of fuel or food into Gaza. Ironically, Khaled Meshaal has noted even Arab and Islamic regimes have remained silent about the tragedy resulting from the "criminal blockade" of Gaza.

Andrea Becker, head of advocacy for Medical Aid for Palestinians, has written about how the blockade has affected the hospitals and medical facilities. These are hardly resistance fighters:
"a child on life support doesn't have the oxygen of a mechanical ventilator. A nurse on a neo-natal ward rushes between patients, battling the random schedule of power cuts. A hospital worker tries to keep a few kidney dialysis machines from breaking down, by farming spare parts from those that already have. The surgeon operates without a bulb in the surgery lamp, across from the anesthetist who can no longer prevent patient pain.
The hospital administrator updates lists of essential drugs and medical supplies that have run out, which vaccines from medical fridges are now unusable because they can't be kept cold, and which procedures must be cancelled altogether. The ambulance driver decides whether to respond to an emergency call, based on dwindling petrol in the tank.
Joe Mowrey reflects on the most bitter irony of all:
"Has the sense of exclusivity and entitlement created by the Zionist experiment in Israel become so great that people there no longer see themselves in the mirror of their own history? The irony of Jews ... denying food to hundreds of thousands of children in order, allegedly, to insure their own security, is breathtaking. Who could ever have imagined such a thing?"
The Jewish Studies Global Directory of Holocaust Museums lists 61 memorial sites, including four in Israel and 24 in the United States. Reminders to the world? But not to Israelis? Not to Jews in America? Is it conceivable that Jews who remember the Holocaust only recognize genocide when they are the victims?
Rabbi Meir Hirsh, Neturei Karta Palestine, provides an answer:
"How long will Jewish and non-Jewish leaders who claim the mantle of civilization and morality remain silent in the face of the ongoing state terrorism practiced by the Zionist state against the Palestinian People, most visibly today in Gaza, where the Zionists believe they can starve the Palestinians into submission in violation of all tenets of international law, all religious values in general, including the values of the Jewish faith?"

Source - Middle East Online
By: Paul J. Balles ,
Joe Mowrey, Khaled Meshaal, Abdul john Palaque and Rabbi Meir Hirsh

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