Saturday, December 13, 2008


The association assistant secretary Randhir Singh said the association wanted the government to scrap Damansara 21 hillside project instead of freezing it.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Medan Damansara Residents Association has set up a fund to raise money to support its four office bearers who are being sued by SDB Properties Sdn Bhd.
The association president P. Subhakaran said the four including himself, Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Shukor Abdullah (who was then the association president), Peter Raiappan and Randhir Singh was being sued for defamation in their personal capacity.“We have filed our defence and hired a lawyer to represent us.
“I am ready for the day in court, We have been given a mandate by the residents to protect their interest,” he told reporters after attending a meeting between residents and several MPs including Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk M. Saravanan on Saturday.
The developer had filed a suit against the four in their personal capacity at High Court three months ago.
Subhakaran said the association hoped to meet the Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique, new Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Ahmad Fuad and relevant authorities to highlight their plight.
The association assistant secretary Randhir Singh said the association wanted the government to scrap instead of freezing the Damansara 21 hillside project.“The authority may continue the project later. We want the government to put a stop on it.
“About 14.9% of the hillside is above 35 degree. It is not safe to the residents nearby. What is more important, the human life or developer?” he asked.
Randhir said the association appealed to all banks and financial institutions not to finance high-rise development hillside projects.
“The banks talk about the corporate social responsibility and environmental campaign but yet they still finance to these kind of developers.
“We also appeal to professionals including consultants and lawyers to not be part of such developments,” he said.
He said the residents as well as non-residents had been very supportive to the fund set up by the association three weeks ago.“We even receive donations from those who are not staying here. We welcome donation for the fund to help the four who are being sued,” he said.
He said the association had set up a blog to highlight the plight of the residents on the website.
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