Saturday, December 27, 2008


Palestinian supporters of Hamas attend a rally in Gaza City.
The Arab world reacted in shock to the attacks on the Gaza Strip on Saturday with scattered protests around the region and Egypt summoning the Israeli ambassador to express its condemnation of the air strikes.
In a statement from the president's office, Egypt condemned Israel's attacks and held it responsible for those killed and wounded and called for renewed efforts to restore the truce with Hamas.
"Egypt will forge ahead with its contacts to create a favorable atmosphere for renewing the truce and attaining inter-Palestinian reconciliation in a bid to end the suffering of the Palestinian people," the statement said.
Egypt also opened its border with the Gaza Strip to receive Palestinian wounded.Egypt's closure of that border has been condemned by many in the Arab world for abetting Israel's siege of the Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip.
Arab League head Amr Moussa, meanwhile, called for an emergency meeting of all Arab foreign ministers in Cairo Sunday to address the crisis.
Hundreds of protesters in the Jordanian capital of Amman demonstrated in front of the nearby UN headquarters, waving Hamas banners and condemning Israel's strikes.
King Abdullah II called for an immediate halt "all military actions" in a statement issued by the royal palace, saying the attacks "targeted innocents among the civilians including women and children."
The king warned that "violence will only escalate the crisis and will not bring security to Israel."
In Beirut, dozens of youths hit the streets to express solidarity with the Palestinians and set fire to tires. Larger demonstrations were planned later in the day in Shiite suburbs and in south Lebanon's massive Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp.
In Syria's al-Yarmouk camp, outside Damascus, dozens of Palestinians also protested the attack as well, vowing to continue fighting Israel.
"It's a Zionist holocaust, but it won't dissuade us from going on with our struggle to achieve our goals," said Ali Barakah, 42, one of the protesters.
Both Russia and the European Union called on both sides to cease hostility immediately, while France's President Nicolas Sarkozy went further in his criticism calling Israel's reaction to Hamas's provocations "disproportionate."
Israeli reports said that of about 100 targets hit in two waves, less than ten bombs missed their designated targets, all of which were military or paramilitary facilities belonging to Hamas.
The White House also issued a statement calling to end the violence but put the onus on responsibility on Hamas, saying Israel had the right to defend its border.

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