Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Kota Kinabalu: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa said State leaders had met with Federal counterparts several times to seek a possible review of the present 5 per cent oil royalty rate but is also realistic that any positive outcome will take a long time.

He said this is because any review would need the concurrence and commitment of many parties.

"We cannot wait for the decision or fully depend on the outcome of the oil royalty study. We have to be rational and look at the issue in a wider and correct perspective to prove that the Barisan Nasional (BN) never sidelined the interest of the people and Sabah on the oil royalty issue," he said.

Musa said Sabah Umno and BN leaders had, in the past, been proposing to the Federal Government to review the royalty as it was the wish and aspiration of leaders and rakyat in the State.

"Hence, I welcome the statement by BN component leaders that the oil royalty to the State Government be reviewed," he said. However, he reiterated there was no such provision in the 1976 Agreement between the State and Federal Government for a review of the existing rate of royalty payment to Sabah.

"Sadly, some parties played up the issue and subsequently caused confusion among the people," he said, adding the opposition also exploited for their political agenda.

He said the statement by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on oil royalty was for self political interest. "When Anwar was the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, he never fought for higher oil royalty for Sabah.

"Instead, according to former Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Tham Nyip Shen, when Anwar was the DPM, he ordered the State Government to renew the licence of gaming company Loteri 88 when the operator's licence had already been cancelled for breaking the law," he said.

He claimed Anwar even threatened to remove Ministers who refused to obey his directive. "Is this the type of leader we hope for to defend the people of Sabah? I hope everyone including among BN leaders will not be caught in the opposition rhythm on the issue," he said.

Musa said that despite the oil royalty still being at five per cent they should not look at the royalty aspect alone as the State received huge allocations through various Federal development programmes.

In fact, he said, the amount channelled to Sabah had increased and surpassed what they had expected during initial planning.

He cited the RM20 billion under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP), RM2.3 billion under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) and also billions of Ringgit for poverty eradication, rural development, education, health and road sealing projects, among others.

"The Government also would enhance its efforts to assist the people and to lessen their burden during the uncertain period in the global economy," he said.

Musa said as a caring government, it needed to continue co-operating with the Federal Government to implement the various development projects particularly to ensure the success of the Economy Stimulation Package.


  1. Salam....
    Kerajaan negeri memang sentiasa meletakkan kepentingan rakyat mengatasi semua perkara dalam urusan pentadbiran negeri.

    10 janji dibuat,yang tidak terlaksana ada kemungkinan satu sahaja..bukan kerana lupa, tetapi masalah teknikal (kewangan negara/keutamaan).

    Semua janji adalah suatu kemestian sesebuah kerajaan untuk melaksanakannya, kerana mereka tahu tahap mana kedudukan mereka bila menyuarakan janji-janji `do tarang bulan'. Kalau mereka tahu kedudukan kewangan negeri mencukupi,jambatan emaspun boleh mereka janjikan dan kemudian ditunaikan. Berbanding dengan pembangkang, semua janji `do tarang bulan' mereka hanya akan tercapai kalau anwar jadi Perdana Menteri. Kalau macam itu..sayapun boleh bahh..janji istana emas untuk senjaliza..KALAU senjaliza sanggup jadi bini nombor dua saya..which is imposibble..kerana mana orang terutamanya perempuan sanggup bermadu..betulkan denakan!!
    (maaf senjaliza..kena buat perumpamaan untuk menguatkan hujah saya).

    Kesimpulannya, bukan sahaja royalti yang kerajaan negeri minta diambil perhatian..infrastruktur2 yang lain juga sedang mereka usahakan sehingga kadang2 mereka digelar `pemberontak dalam kerajaan' demi kepentingan negeri ini (SABAH). Sekian.

  2. Denakan,
    Urusan Denakan dengan Senjaliza saya tidak ada komen. Harap maaf. Pandai-pandai lah kamu. Banyak lagi perkara lain yang sedang saya fikir kan masa ini.
    However, soal ketua Menteri yang tidak mengambil tindakan berhaluan kiri terhadap royalty minyak Sabah, pada pendapat saya, mungkin ok juga buat masa ini.
    Menyalak gunong, tiada juga faedah nya. Buang masa.

    Namun usaha untuk kearah penyelesaian yang adil terhadap hasil bumi kita perlu juga diteruskan . kerana hal-hal macam ini amat sensitif dan mudah di manipulation oleh pehak pembangkang .
    Why ? kerana kebanyakan rakyat maseh lagi kurang pakar untuk memahami kaedah ‘financial transition’ antara wilayah ini. Apa lagi ‘orang kita’ di sini ini terlalu banyak berhadapan dengan masaalah yang tidak kunjungi padam.
    Miskin lah, pengangguran lah, harga barang naik lah, yuran sekolah lah, harga getah dan kelapa sawit turun lah, pengaruh parti pembangkang lah dan banyak lagi yang harus mereka fikirkan.

    Jadi nya, dalam keadaan fikiran yang tengah kalut dan kecoh ini bukan mudah untuk rakyat berfikir waras. Mereka perlu suntikan minda yang berbentuk positif dari kerajaan yang memerintah. Mau pun dari kerajaan federal atau pun negeri.

    Walau pun di anggap ‘ Janji Do tarang Bulan’ , namun realiti nya , party PKR kini tetap juga meneruskan kesibukan nya untuk berkonfrantasi dengan UMNO.
    Di tambah lagi asam garam nya oleh SAPP. Karena parti UPKO yang tidak puas-puas cari fasal ini pun bukan boleh di anggap remeh. Pemimpin-pemimpin mereka ada juga pengaruh nya di peringkat ‘grass root’. Hari-hari cakap itu, cakap ini.
