Sunday, November 16, 2008


We are confronted with the financial disaster of a lifetime, and disasters are very painful, but it's also an opportunity. There's lots of thing we don't do in a normal period, we keep on piling up problems. Now we can address it fundamentally.
Now the World leaders could encourage new types of lending that would let the poor take themselves out of poverty without the risks of the traditional system that has just failed.
The excesses of globalization and free markets unchecked by regulation was created by a handful of people driven by "extreme greed," but "it's the poor people, who'll be hit the hardest through no fault of their own."
Taking world as one nation, President-elect Barack Obama is in a unique position to "create his own history" and rebuild the financial system in such a way that an entirely new class of companies, driven by both profit motive and a desire to improve society, can be launched through a reinventing banking system. Simple but effective to those with low incomes.
As an example , Grameen Bank, which was founded in Bangladesh in 1983 are known to lent more than $7 billion, in tiny increments of a few dollars to a few thousand at a time, to millions of poor borrowers -- almost all women -- to run small businesses. Seamstresses would be lent money to buy a sewing machine or cloth.
US as a world first, should lead and extend their lending hands to the rest of the needy developing countries. In this time of financial crisis, social businesses banking system like Grameen Bank are actually more sound than traditional banks.
Traditional banking system depended total reliance on collateral and lawyers and it is 100 percent foolproof that nothing can go wrong. They built the whole system on that belief. Unfortunately the recent financial disaster has proven everything wrong.
Grameen Banking operated mostly through microcredit movement. No collateral, no lawyers. Even this huge big financial earthquake can't shake them.
As it is, entrepreneurism would be better alternative rather than depending on government charity or assistance, believing it to be self-sustaining.
Let say, “If people lose jobs where do they go? Do they fall back on welfare? If lending money, $2,200 to a person, can create a job, self-employment, isn't it a better idea?”. The choice is ours.
Nonetheless, due to the recent meltdown of markets around the globe, banking system or money market needs a regulatory structure, like a world central bank, to referee a financial system that is inextricably linked.

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