Monday, November 17, 2008


Ipoh - A woman who spent 11 months at the Lenggeng Immigration Depot in Negri Sembilan on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant, has filed a RM6 million suit for her suffering under detention.
M. Rajeshvari named as defendants the government and six others, including Home Minister Syed Hamid Syed Albar and Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan.The suit was filed by her lawyer A. Magesan, also an ethnic Indian, at the Kuala Lumpur High Court registry Thursday.
The case of Rajeshvari, 22, with her one-year-old son Ilavarasan, and her parents, A. Murugiah and M. Parameswari was highlighted by Negri Sembilan state's Health, Environment and Human Resources Committee chairman - A. Sivanesan.
Rajeshvari is claiming general damages for 'trespass, harassment, unlawful detention, pain and suffering' and special and exemplary damages with eight percent interest from the date of arrest and other relief deemed fit by the court.
A resident of Kampar in the state, Rajeshvari was six months pregnant when she was detained. 'The child will grow up to find out that his mother was under detention for no fault of hers.
The whole episode could have been avoided if police had taken the thumbprint of the woman and verified it with the National Registration Department,' said Sivanesan.Rajeshvari was arrested at a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur Nov 10 last year.
She spent several days in a police lock-up and was then sent to the depot. She was released on Sep 5.Rajeshvari claimed she had told police she was a Malaysian and that she could not recall her identity card number as she had lost it. Police promised to get her thumbprint to facilitate investigations but failed to do so.


  1. Yes ! Whoever responsible, have no idea therule of law. charge him in court and don,t worried if You win or loss, just bring him to court.
    Most likely you lost the case but you are brave to charge him in court. The blady stupid minister is equally responsible. This woman is our world ...respect them or else jump out of this world. Stupid minister...just because this woman is poor and weak you bully her. Why not pick your oun size.

  2. Salam solymone...
    Don't blame the govt if you break the law. And why the hell that this Malaysian Indian Women cannot speak in malay when asked by the police on her she want to sue the govt...okay then.. charges her in Bahasa Malaysia.

  3. Okay bro...gini baru anak sama mangan jomo.

  4. well said Mr ronney,
    first off all thanks for visiting and giving your comments.
    As it is, we don't really know how this tragedy could have happened.
    Somebody is responsible. Not necessary the minister. I guess, they will sort it out one way or another.
    In or out of court, the sytem must be improved.

  5. Denakan Jomosama,
    terima kasih kerana ngelawat blog ku sekali lagi.
    Komen yang manasabah dan boleh di terima. Walau macam mana pun hal-hal saperti ini akan di selesaikan juga akhir nya.
    Seandai nya, kita belajar dari kesilapan.
