Tuesday, November 18, 2008


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia may introduce more measures to stimulate economic growth and counter the worsening global financial crisis, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak said Tuesday.
The government earlier this month announced a 7.0 billion ringgit (2.0 billion dollar) stimulus programme, warning that growth would slow substantially in 2009.
"We are open to additional measures from time to time... we are watching and monitoring the situation very carefully and closely," Najib said, according to the state Bernama news agency.
Najib, who is also finance minister, said last week that the government has the capacity to introduce more stimulus packages but that it would not allow the budget deficit to expand further.
The government has already widened its deficit forecast for 2009 to 4.8 percent, from 3.6 percent predicted in August, due to the additional government spending.
Najib said the government was confident of achieving its growth target of 5.0 percent for 2008 and 3.5 percent for 2009, by ensuring strong domestic demand.
And he said the government is open to further liberalisation.
"We must look into some of our domestic regulatory requirements that can be liberalised and streamlined so that we can facilitate the ease and the cost of doing business in Malaysia for domestic and foreign investors," he said.
The 2.0 billion dollar spending package, reaped from savings on reduced oil subsidies, is to be spent on "high-impact" projects including roads, schools and low-cost housi


  1. More stimulus measures need to be closely monitored to really contribute the nation's economy otherwise...

  2. Insyaallah...we will make it like 97-98 crisis. Malaysia boleh, Sabah also boleh bahhh.

  3. Sabahkita,
    I must agree with you. And I have to agree with this stimulation idea as long they spent it appropriately and like you said; closely monitored.

  4. Denakan Jomosama,
    selaraskan dengan komen sabahkita, saya setuju dan percaya masaalah saperti ini akan di selesaikan juga saperti yang berlaku pada tahun 97-98, ya?
    Thanks, for the Intelligent comments.
