Friday, November 28, 2008


SHAH ALAM, -- Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) should focus on strengthening the five Pakatan Rakyat state governments and not on taking over the federal government, said a PKR Youth delegate.
Melaka youth deputy because chief Zamzirul Nordin said this was because not all PKR leaders had the experience to shoulder the responsibility and trust as many of the pledges during the last general election had yet to be fulfilled.

He asked the youth wing to give financial aid to youth at state and division levels, particularly those in states ruled by Barisan Nasional (BN) so that more efforts could be made to attract new members.
"The aid is necessary as some PKR members do not have regular income. Many who used to have cars have been reduced to pedestrians while those who had wives are now left alone. Such is their sacrifice to the party," he said when debating the policy address by the PKR Youth leader here today.

Penang deputy chief Ahmad Azrizal Tahir took PKR elected representatives in the state to task for failing to visit their contituencies since they won the seats at the general election in March.

"They should be working for the people. Don't behave like former elected representatives," he said.

PKR Youth would be presenting the minimum wage and education system motions at the party national congress here tomorrow.

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