Monday, November 10, 2008


Only until recently, such words called ‘Ketuanan Melayu or Malay Supremacy aka Malay Dominance,’ do not ring any bell to my ear. Probably being Sabahan Malaysian , the subject of Ketuanan Melayu was not brought to my attention. Or, it could be that the subject was never been thought to me by my parents or by my teachers during my school days.
I only came know that this so called ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ exist , when I surfed some local blogs and discussions in national TV.
It is indeed a surprised to know that some malays in west Malaysia are also intrigued themselves pertaining to the case of this ‘ Ketuanan Melayu’.
In fact a malay blogger himself is confused to identify the concept of this issue. For that let briefly share what he has to say about this ;
“I did not come across that concept in all my school years. Throughout my years in government schools and later in government university, as well as my one year in a Mat Salleh university, I have not come across the concept of Ketuanan Melayu.
And that despite the fact that history was my favourite subject. That also despite the fact that I took not only the Malaysian Federal Constitution as a subject, but also the Malaysian Administrative Law as well as Comparative Constitutional Laws as optional subjects.
Not to mention the Study of Politics paper which I also took in the Economics faculty for fun.”
He also wonder what privileges the malay had so far. He added “Let’s just for one moment accept that Ketuanan Melayu exists factually and conceptually. And let us all hypothesizes that the Federal Constitution was premised upon such concept;
Question1: what is the use of the Malays being a Tuan all the way if the Malays are still lagging behind in all aspects of achievements in their "own" country?
Question 2: how does one reconcile the "dominance" or "supremacy" of the Malays with the fact that the Malays, according to UMNO and our leaders, still need subsidies and preferential treatments - in Dr Mahathir's words or terminology, this is called "affirmative action" - in order to make them successful?
Question 3: when we speak of the Malay Dominance or Malay Supremacy, what is the subject over which the Malays are supposed to be dominant or
From what I understand, this issue had created vigorous disagreement of opinion among malays like Tun Dr Mahathir, Zaid Ibrahim, Zulkifli Nordin, Shahidan Kassim, Syed Hamid Albar and even some Collages Professors . Over there, this issue had been discussed openly in news paper, TV and blogs. But so far, no one prevail.
According, those malay leaders had shown variation in their differences of opinion. A lot of confrontation over the disagreement
As far as Sabah is concerned, there is no such thing as Ketuanan Melayu. It is simple logic. Historically, we do not have any king like what they have in west Malaysia. No doubt we heard a legendary story that once Sulu Sultanate had claim right to Sabah. But then again, to us , that was just a make believe story tale.
However, I was surprised when some of my friends keep mentioning it to me. To them , it is a major political issue that one should understand better. Unfortunately, I was tempted.
So much so , I took a personal initiative to gather some information through blogs, by listening to discussion in TV and the opinion from the general public.
As it is, the issue of Ketuanan Melayu is seldom mentioned by the ordinary people. They are more concern on their daily problems. Such as high cost of living, job and their children education.
Obviously this issue had attracted the attention of our local bloggers. It is rather interesting to know that their views are so much different than those in West Malaysia. I disgress to note that some of the comments are too negative. I must assumed this came out as result of a failure to understand the whole philosophy behind the issue.
In general, I do not think this ‘Ketuanan Melayu ‘ really concern us very much. Our socio-politic scenario is different and complex . We have our own historical back ground. As far as integrity is concerned, we are always leading the way.
However, too much politics had spoil the soups

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