Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has decided to pull out of Barisan Nasional to become an independent party on wednesday. They felt that BN is no longer in lines with the party spirits laid in their 8 paramount points declaration and that is;
1)That the government shall be of the people and based on Good Governance and Civil Society and non-racial politics based on a progressive, just and harmonious society,
2)That Sabah shall have political autonomy whereby the government shall be formed and run by the people of Sabah,
3. That Sabah and other oil producing States shall be entitled to the petroleum royalty of 20%
4. That the Federal Territory of Labuan shall be returned to Sabah and governed as a special region,
5. That unfair and imprudent federal laws which have been extended to Sabah and federal departments and which are to the detriment of the State shall be reviewed,
6. That Sabah shall be given fair and just participation in the federal administration, the civil service and private sector, and that the federal departments in Sabah shall, as far as possible, be headed by local Malaysians,
7. That the federal government and the state governments shall put in sufficient resources, political will and leadership in solving the illegal immigrant problems in a firm but humane manner, with emphasis on regional concept and smart partnership,
8. That the federal and state governments shall together work on redressing the in-built structural imbalances in the economic and social structure of the country affecting Sabah and other states.
The party's deputy chief Datuk Raymond Tan had walked out of the meeting saying he disagrees with the party's decision. However he would resign as deputy chief minister and state minister within the next 24 hours. But as for now he is not quitting the party, yet. According to him his final stand in SAPP will be decided in the nearest future.
Among others, SAPP Women Leader, YB Melanie Chia announced she will tender her resignation as Assistant Finance Minister, while SAPP Deputy President, Datuk Liew Teck Chan also announced that he will resign as deputy chairman of Sedco with immediate effect.
In Tawau, three councilors of Municipal Council, Yong Chong Kim, Wong Su Vui and Chong Yit Sin who represent Sabah Progressive Party had announced their resignation jointly in a press conference today. They stated that they have lost faith in the Barisan Nasional government.
Kerana status beliau sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri merangkap Menteri Kerja Raya Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan selama ini, dianggap sebagai ‘Butter And Bread Of SAPP’ atau lebih popular lagi kalau di labelkan ‘ Anak Emas’ SAPP.
Tetapi kerana krisis dan pergolakan politik dalaman, kini beliau dan kumpulan nya yang maseh ada Perhubungan dengan BN , terasa semacam di ketepikan. Menurut beliau, mungkin ada gerakan untuk menyingkir kan mereka dari parti.
Sebenarnya, pertelingkahan antara Datuk Raymond Tan dengan ahli-ahli main stream parti sudah jelas sejak awal lagi ketika pengumuman SAPP untuk membuat usul tidak percaya pada PM.
Beliau rasa usul ini akan menggugatkan jawatan beliau sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kementerian kerja raya.Niat Tan untuk tidak keluar BN ini sudah lama di ketahui oleh masyarakat. Tetapi selama ini beliau pandai pura-pura dalam perahu, kata mereka.
Kini Datuk Raymond Tan tidak mampu lagi berpura-pura. Dia terpaksa meninggalkan jawatannya sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah dan Menteri Perhubungan Kerjaraya
Dalam perlembagaan, dia wajib melucutkan semua jawatan lantikan kerajaan BN. Atau pun memilih opsyen dengan menyertai parti komponen BN lain di Sabah yang didominasi kaum Cina. Dengan harapan Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman akan menghulurkan belas simpati untuk mengekal kan status beliau sebagai Menteri.
Dalam hal yang berkaitan, Beliau terpaksa membuktikan bahawa tanpa SAPP, karier politiknya mampu bersinar atas wibawanya.
Namun sudah pasti SAPP dan rakyat yang mahukan perubahan akan mengutuk beliau sebagai "pengecut, "Judas" atau “ bah bah black sheep of SAPP". Selain dari itu beliau pasti akan di kecam sebagai "pentingkan pangkat".
Apa-apa pun beliau terpaksa memilih antara pangkat dan moral parti nya SAPP sebagai gambaran kepada masyarakat nya bahawa beliau adalah pemimpin yang berpendirian dan bermaruah.
Dalam kontek yang sama, beberapa orang pegawai kanan dalam Kementerian berkenaan merasa bahawa masa nya sudah sampai untuk beliau berundur diri.
Menurut mereka lagi Datuk Raymond Tan terlalu banyak salah guna kuasa dan mencampuri urusan jabatan .

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