Saturday, September 13, 2008


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“ The Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) is a preventive detention law in force in Malaysia. Any person may be detained by the police for up to 60 days without trial for an act which allegedly prejudices the security of the country or any part thereof. After 60 days, one may be further detained for a period of two years each, to be approved by the Minister of Home Affairs, thus making indefinite detention without trial. In 1989, the powers of the Minister under the legislation was made immune to judicial review by virtue of amendments to the Act. Now, only the courts are ‘allowed’ to examine and review technical matters pertaining to the ISA arrest. “

In spite of all odds, The Internal Security Act(ISA) strike again. This time, it involved Raja Petra Kamarudin's of Malaysia Today, Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and then DAP MP for Seputih Teresa Kok. The arrests were confirmed by Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar.
According to him those three were suspected of being involved in "activities which could threaten national security".
As a result of this detention, mixed reaction had been thrown out by various parties. Opposition parties condemn the arrests as a media crackdown and a setback to democracy.
According to The Malaysian Bar Council, the consistent action taken by ISA is draconian and undemocratic .They said, this must never be allowed to happen in our country where the rule of law is entrenched in our Rukunegara. More so, Malaysia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council.
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Secretary-General Hong Boon How said the union viewed the arrest of Tan Hoon Cheng as a type of intimidation of the media.While MCA Youth chief Liow Tiong Lai and DAP secretary-general, Lim Guan Eng, demand the release of all the detainees at the earliest.
Both parties do not agree with the arrest under ISA. Liow questioned why Ahmad, who had caused the stir to begin with, was yet to have any action taken against him by police. While GERAKAN acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon felt that Invoking ISA is not the solution.
Nonetheless, the bloggers and website surfers are not spared from giving their views.

In this version, I would like to confirm my opinion on the relevancy of ISA. By doing so, I knew most of my friend would disagree with me. As such make me very unpopular amongst them. It is natural though, that with the ongoing detention case, people turn to misunderstood further the benefit of having ISA in our legislature system. Now adays too much negative thinking floating around in our mind.
I still believe that Malaysia still need the service of ISA. It is essential tool required to protect our country from subversive elements like Al-Qaida intrusion, Espionage and other Major Crime activities. At whatever cost,our country’s’ security must comes first and never be compromised.
Actually a democratic country like USA is also adapting a system so much like our ISA. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for example is known to be tough, cruel and uncompromising in executing their mission in order to protect their nation. For that reason and others as well, the ISA must stay.
I don’t know exactly what Raja Putera and Teresa Kok had done. But I personally disagree with the detention of the reporter Tan Hoon Cheng. As I see it, she was only doing what needed to be done by any good reporter. Obviously with the direction from her bos; whoever he or she is.
Pertaining to this case, in Sabah business is going on as usual

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