Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Malaysian Prime Minsiter - No to Crossover
Today, while waiting for berbuka puasa in my parent house, I had a conversation with some of my friends in regards to the validation of PR forming a new government. At the same times we had also highlighted few issues. Such as;
1) what if PR couldn’t form government on September 16th?
2) Is the government sending all the MPs for an overseas field trip meant to thwart DS Anwar’s plan to takeover?
One of my liberal and seemingly smart friend quickly responses to the first issue. According to him it does not matter PR will form the government on any day they want. If not September 16, they still have time until the next election. Those MPs can still crossover after they enjoyed the fully paid field trip, he said.
He orchestrated his view with a smile and said that if it is the destiny for PR to replace BN, then shall it be. Because the bottom line is Que Sera Sera. In other words whatever will be, will be. He strongly believed that everything happens for a reason and change is what Malaysian are waiting for the true independence of Malaysia. It is a karma he said.
In rebuffing to his comments, I told him that actually karma has nothing to do with it. All this hustled is boiling down to the failure by the BN leaders in performing their responsibilities to the rakyat.
However some of us were wondering how Pak lah is going to stop Pakatan Rakyat form forming government on this coming september 16 ? He must have a mastermind a strategy to prevent all the MPs to crossover to Pakatan Rakyat.
Cautiously, another friend immediately reminded us that there is news about the overseas field trip for ALL BN MPS, organized by The Backbenchers Club and paid by private organisation. Seemingly the timing of the 2-week trip is coincident with the defection period and the Ramadan month. Could this be the master plan of the PM ?
Obviously there will be explanation over the co-called overseas field trip as “lawatan sambil belajar”.
However we speculated that the oversea field trip is probably the best BN can do to prevent the MPs to crossover to Pakatan. BN cannot afford to lose time. With 8 days remaining, they need to find out as soon as possible the MPs who intent to crossover to Pakatan. Therefore, the BN MPs only have few days to decide if they want to stay with BN or moving to Pakatan.
Indeed It’s quiet a smart way to find out who are the MPs that intent to crossover. Once they know the numbers, they still have time to use all sort of strategies to persuade them to stay with BN.
Meanwhile, the strategy might backfire as the MPs will have to make decision sooner and indirectly it will help Pakatan to take over sooner than September 16th. Especially when the sensitive issue raised by Dato Ahmad Ismail UMNO Bukit Bendera UMNO Chief had unfortunately distracted some of BN members decision either to proceed with the trips or not.
According to PM, the fate of Dato Ahmad will be decided tomorrow.
Another waiting for us.

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