Friday, August 15, 2008


For those who have not heard from Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bomburing a Tuaran Member of Parliament, let share what he had to say. This article is taken from our local Sabah news paper.
In support of recent statement by Borneo High Court Chief Judge Tan Sri Richard Malanjun, Datuk Seri Wilfred proposed that the Native Law Council comprising non-Muslim Bumiputera should be formed in all districts.
The objective of his proposal is to complement the function of the Native Law Court, especially in district where District Chief or Native Chiefs appointed are from a different ethnic group.
  • He said most of the cases handled by the Native Courts are from the non-Muslim bumiputeras, a Native Law Council comprising of non-Muslim Bumiputera would be appropriate to advise the District Chief or the Native Chief, especially when they are from a different ethnic group.
  • According to him most if not all cases being brought to the Native Courts are from Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) so it is appropriate that a Native Law Council comprising knowledge KDM elders be form who will act as an advisory council to the District Chiefs and the District Officers when cases handled by Native Courts are being appealed to the District Office.
  • He also urged the Native Court to archive all their proceedings for references. According to him, these records will serve as a reference materials as cases involving KDM vary from place to place. Common native law for those in the Northern part of Sabah would definitely difference from Central, South and the Eastern.
  • Notation:
  • Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bomburing recently won the disputed Malaysian Parliamentary seat in Tuaran Sabah. He ousted both Hj Ansari Abdullah (PKR) and Engineer Ajin Gagah ( Independent and the author of this blog)
The Author said...
Assuming this proposal is appropriate to all Sabahan, my question is ;
1) How difficult is it to form this council
2) How much it cost to make this proposal into a reality
3) Is this proposal is Cost Effective
4) Who and Who are responsible in preparing for all the necessary working papers.KDCA? USBO? District Chiefs and Native Chiefs? YBs? Or Sabah State Cabinet.
So much so, Our country had been independent through Malaysia for the past 40 years and yet, nobody bother or even thinking about the benefit of having this “ Native Law Council “ why?.

1 comment:

  1. I wander who are responsible in creating ,forming and finally enacted this so called ‘ Native Law Council’ ? Assuming this proposal is appropriate to all Sabahan, my question is ;
    1) How difficult is it to form this council
    2) How much it cost to make this proposal into a reality
    3) Is this proposal is Cost Effective
    4) Who and Who are responsible in preparing for all the necessary working papers.
    KDCA? USBO? District Chiefs and Native Chiefs? YBs? Or Sabah State Cabinet.

    So much so, Our country had been independent through Malaysia for the past 40 years and yet, nobody bother or even thinking about the benefit of having this “ Native Law Council “ why?.
