Thursday, August 28, 2008


Some of us may have came across the following articles . So please bear with us. However for those who have'nt seen this interesting articles yet, let share what our blogger extraordinaire MindaCergas has to say;

"The buck must stop somewhere and in any organization it has to stop at the top. So my question has to be directed to the Leader of UMNO and BN - what next?
After pulling all the stops, including reducing the fuel price, Saiful swearing, Najib swearing, sending in Amin Shah’s brother -UMNO’s best man to compete; with all the stops pulled, UMNO got trashed again and on an even bigger margin than before.
As the leader, what are you going to do? What is going through your mind?
At GE 11 - March 21 2004, you were given the biggest mandate ever of any Prime Minster and by GE 12 - 8th March 2008 - BN was white washed. What does this say?
After the trashing at GE 12, you had the best chance of truly reforming UMNO yet you didn’t take the opportunity.After this white wash in Permatang Pauh, what are you going to do?
The UMNO transition plan will not stand the internal pressures between now and December. No Sir, its only going to get worse unless you find a new bogey man. Whoever that bogeyman is, it cant be Anwar.
Anwar has truly won the perception battle right in your own backyard.
Anwar can be a US agent, a spy, a true sodomoite, a conspirator whatever… it all doesn’t matter anymore.
Imagine, with the entire government machinery at your disposal, Anwar still won and won BIG. What does this say?
First UMNO said it was the urban Malays who were ungrateful for voting the opposition, now have the rural Malays jumped ship too? Who are you going to blame? Who is Najib going to blame? Who are all the 10 contending UMNO VP’s going to blame?
The reality is the tides have truly shifted. You are leading a party that keeps looking back and celebrating its glorious past while being trapped in dogma that only UMNO believes in.
To be fair, the seeds for destruction was planted by your predecessor who stayed on for 12 years too long but nonetheless you took the job and you have to take the accountabilities that come with it.
The rakyaat’s confidence and comfort is embracing change has tipped. We have discovered that it is ok to have non UMNO in power as shown by the running of the 5 states. In fact it doesn’t matter how many more PKR people ACA picks up for corruption.. it is simply to late. You should have gone after the corrupt at the onset of your term as PM not as your sun sets.
I look forward to seeing what you have to say in the papers tomorrow.
Often times we live our lives in regret, we look back and say “what if…..” Unfortunately we cannot change the past. The irony of all this is that, not for your compassion as a person and a father, Anwar would probably still be in jail right now.
3rd September 2004 - BBC News:The one person that comes out stronger with this decision (to free Anwar) is Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. With one stroke, he brought back confidence to the judiciary. Investors looked at it very positively. With the formal endorsement of his Presidency three weeks away, he is clearly setting himself away and perhaps reversing the much talked grip of his predecessors. In due time, Abdullah is quite capable of bringing the much needed reform for the country. Anwar with his wretched track record is in no position to talk of reform.Dollah Ali, Kuala Lumpur.
The above quote is the best illustration of how 94% of the country was behind you in 2004. If anything, you have failed the nation.

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