Friday, August 12, 2016

FIFA Strip Malaysia Of Hosting Rights?

Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) have been dealt a blow after FIFA revoked Malaysia's hosting rights for the 2017 FIFA Congress, where the voting for the 2026 World Cup was also scheduled. 
An apparent issue of getting travel visa for delegates from certain countries has resulted in Malaysia losing hosting rights of the 2017 FIFA Congress.
The national body have kept mum on the matter but are expected to make an announcement after an executive committee meeting on Monday. FIFA awarded Malaysia the rights in December 2013.
Among the reasons given by FIFA include a possible difficulty in delegates from certain countries – including Israel – in obtaining necessary travel documents.
Malaysia and Israel do not have political ties and its citizens are not able travel freely between the two countries. 
Yet Malaysia hosted the International Olympic Committee Congress just last year and welcomed delegates from around the world then. 
  • Conspiracy theorists, however, believe FIFA's decision was also influenced by turbulence in Malaysian football over the past couple of weeks. 
  • Four Johor Darul Ta'zim players suddenly quit international football last month, prompting club owner Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim to say the players were fed up with FAM's way.
Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim also alleged the national body of corruption, leading to involvement of Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin(photo). 
Tunku Ismail also claimed FAM's top officials have agreed to  vacate their post  but the  national body 
have refused to comment until  
their meeting on Monday. 


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