Google Wins In Retrial Of Oracle Copyright Lawsuit
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Oracle had contested that Google’s use of its proprietary Java code exceeded fair use, and was seeking damages of up to $9bn.
Android is by far the most popular mobile operating system, with 1.4 billion monthly active users worldwide and a market share of more than 80%.

Those users downloaded 65bn apps in 2015 alone.
More importantly, the “fair use” decision in this case sets a strong precedent in an industry where programs and apps are often as much constructed from various building blocks of code that already exist as they are
from whole cloth.
Singapore Kicks Out Swiss Bank Linked To Malaysia's 1MDB?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

- It is the first time the MAS has cancelled the licence of a merchant bank since 1984, when the local branch of Jardine Fleming was shut down for "serious lapses" in its advisory work, the statement said.
- 1MDB, founded in 2009 by Najib, is teetering on the brink of collapse amid multiple investigations around the world into allegations that billions were looted from it.
- The fund, which ran up more than $11 billion in debt in a series of much-questioned investments, has steadfastly denied money was stolen or that it was in financial trouble.

He claims the money was a gift from the Saudi royal family, most of which he returned.

Najib and 1MDB vehemently deny that claim.

His position is not seen as under imminent threat.
Source: The Bull Asia
US Senate Votes To Allow 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia?
Thursday, May 19, 2016

The White House has repeatedly stated that President Barack Obama, who visited the kingdom in April in a bid to soothe strained ties, opposes the law because it would essentially waive the doctrine of sovereign immunity.
- “This legislation would change long-standing, international law regarding sovereign immunity. And the president of the United States continues to harbour serious concerns that this legislation would make the United States vulnerable in other court systems around the world,”
- White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. He explained that the United States was more engaged internationally “than any other country in the world,” particularly in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.
- Undermining immunity, he said, would put Americans working abroad at risk. The bill would allow 9/11 families to pursue cases in federal court against foreign governments, notably Saudi Arabia, and demand compensation if such governments are proven to bear some responsibility for the attacks.

In February Zacarias Moussaoui, dubbed the 20th hijacker, told US lawyers that members of the Saudi
royal family donated millions of dollars to Al-Qaeda in the 1990s.

The Saudi Embassy denied Moussaoui’s claims. But his accusations revived debate over whether the Obama administration should release a still-classified 28-page section of the 9/11 Commission Report.

House Speaker Ryan, a Republican, has expressed hesitation about bringing the bill to the floor for a vote.

The two Democratic presidential candidates, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, have expressed support for the bill, whose main sponsors are Democrat Chuck Schumer and his Republican colleague John Cornyn.
Philippine President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte Vows To Bring Back Death Penalty?
Monday, May 16, 2016
He added that he would also seek to give security forces shoot-to-kill powers for suspects who evade arrest and those involved in organised crime.

While official election results have not yet been announced, Mr Duterte has an unassailable lead. He will need the backing of Congress to see through his plans.
Speaking at a press conference on Sunday in the southern city of Davao, Mr Duterte is also quoted as saying that he wanted to forge closer relations with China, and that he was open to direct talks
over territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Controversial record
Mr Duterte's record as the crime-crushing mayor of the southern city of Davao, once notorious for its
lawlessness, has earned him the moniker The Punisher.

"What I will do is urge Congress to restore death penalty by hanging," Mr Duterte told reporters. The Philippines abolished capital punishment in 2006.
"If you resist, show violent resistance, my order to police (will be) to shoot to kill. Shoot to kill for organised crime.
You heard that? Shoot to kill for every organised crime," he is quoted by the AFP news agency as saying.
Source: BBC...More...
All 4 missing in Sabah Boat Capsize Found Safe
Friday, May 13, 2016
"They are confirmed to be alive and have been rescued by Vietnamese fishermen," MMEA director-general Datuk Ahmad Puzi Kahar said in a Whatsapp message to The Star on Thursday.
Ahmad Puzi said efforts were underway to bring the four back to Malaysia.

Spanish couple David Hernandez Gasulla, 29, his wife Martha Miguel, 30, Tanjung Simpang Mengayau resort owner Tommy Lam Wai Yin, 44, (Chinese national domiciled in Sabah) and his employee Armella Ali Hassan, 23, went missing after their boat capsized about 2.8km from Pulau Balambangan in the treacherous waters of northen Sabah.
Source: Malay Mail Online...More
Source: Malay Mail Online...More
Amulti-agency SAR operation was launched on May 3, after the boat owner
filed a report on the missing vessel and its four occupants who had left
for a day trip to Balambangan island.A multi-agency SAR operation was launched on May 3, after the boat owner filed a report on the missing vessel and its four occupants who had left for a day trip to Balambangan island.
Source: Asia One
Sarawak Elections A Rude Wake Up Call For Opposition DAP
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
There was an upbeat mood as supporters trickled in to watch the live updates of the vote count for the Sarawak election. It did not take long for them to realise the evening would end on an unhappy note for DAP.

Chong looked deflated and exhausted. He did not have much to say and the press conference wrapped up after 20 minutes.
- The party won only seven of the 31 seats it contested. In the 2011 election, it contested 15 seats and won 12.
There was a clear Chinese swing back to Barisan given the way Chinese seats fell to Team Adenan.
DAP lost to Barisan even in Repok, where Chinese formed 75 per cent of the voters.
Naked Canadian Boomers Struggle To Attract Younger Generation Of Nudists
Sunday, May 08, 2016
The naked group is part of the Van Tan Club, a nudist colony that was founded in the forest on North Vancouver's Fromme Mountain in 1939, making it Canada's oldest official
naturist club, according to one of the members, Daniel Jackson, 51.

Jackson said the club's membership numbers peaked in the 1970s at about 150 people, and now there are about 50 or 60 members.
Van Tan member Linda Kent, 65, has been coming to the club from her home in Langley for five years.
"It's an older group, and I don't know why, but it tends to stay an older group. People who join tend to be older," she said.

"It's true, you would say that the emphasis is on older, wiser people, who in their own minds, probably have a lot less to lose," he said.
- "Look at the social and body image and social pressures younger folks face, and I think there is a lot of confusion as to what the naked body is all about.
- The club is an idyllic little bare-bones, off-the-grid resort on a few acres above the Lynn Valley neighborhood. There are no permanent cabins, but there are a few sheds for garden equipment and sports gear.
- There are several camping trailers parked at one end, and people are able to set up tents in the summer.
- The club has a big lawn for things like badminton and volley ball, and a pool that's actually a water reservoir, in case of fire. According to Kent, the club would like to attract a younger crowd.
- "We have a few younger members, but not a lot of younger members, and it would be nice to have younger members because we're getting too old to do the physical group.

"We always wonder what we could do to be appealing directly [to younger people]. We have two open houses every summer, but whoever shows up, shows up," she said.
The next open house is June 19.
Malaysian PM Najib To Build Tower To Rival Mahathir's Twin Towers?
Friday, May 06, 2016
When Dr Mahathir was premier, he built two 88-storey towers, making them the world's tallest buildings when they were ready in 1998.
Now Datuk Seri Najib is raising the ante with an 118-storey giant just some 4km away, which is set to be South-east Asia's tallest tower when completed in 2020.
The RM5 billion (S$1.7 billion) project is being built by state equity fund Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) with a height of 630m.
new project is located beside the historic Merdeka Stadium, where
Malaysia's independence from Britain was announced on Aug 31, 1957,
hence the tower will have "merdeka" (independence) as part of its name.
The Merdeka PNB118 tower was launched last month by Mr Najib, who had denied he was in a one-upmanship with his mentor turned nemesis.
The project's launching comes at a time when Dr Mahathir is making
a strong push to topple Mr Najib by blaming the prime minister for the financial scandal tied to state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

"I would like to retain the Twin Towers as the highest buildings in Malaysia.

Mr Najib's response then was: "No, no, it's not a question of dismantling his (legacy). That's a totally frivolous statement."
- He added: "What Tun Mahathir has done is admirable, what we need to do is to build on his success and move on.
- " Like the Petronas Twin Towers when it was announced, the new tower has been panned by critics. Some are worried about a glut in office and commercial space in coming years, while others questioned its location in a historic and congested part of Kuala Lumpur.
- The Petronas Twin Towers were built on former race course land surrounded by narrow traffic-clogged roads.
Source: Asia One...More...
Indonesian Sailors Home After Philippine Kidnap Ordeal
Monday, May 02, 2016

They flew back to Jakarta later the same day, arriving on a private plane at an air force base before being driven away in a minibus without speaking to reporters.

"Our prayers have been answered," Rahmat Mansyur, brother of freed hostage Wawan Saputra, told AFP in Indonesia's South Sulawesi province.

" Officials did not say if any ransom was paid for the 10 Indonesians.
Abu Sayyaf does not normally free hostages unless a ransom is paid.

Authorities said the group is still holding at least 11 foreign hostages – four sailors from Indonesia and four others from Malaysia, a Canadian tourist, a Norwegian resort owner and a Dutch birdwatcher.
Source: AFP, The Sunday...More...