Friday, October 9, 2015


LONDON, U.K. – Riot police were called to a busy high street in east London after a fight between two schoolgirls over a boy led to an angry confrontation between hundreds of teenagers.
Around 200 teens, some carrying baseball bats, descended on Hoe Street near Walthamstow Central station, on Tuesday evening.
Mobile phone footage circulated widely on social media showed groups of girls clashing in the street, tearing at each other’s hair and faces.
One person tweeted: “Police have the whole area sealed off – just been there, forget traveling down Hoe St.”
Another said he saw “over 100 police in the area as they attempted to defuse the situation outside a McDonald’s restaurant.”
Samee Ullah, co-owner of Director’s Cut in the High Street, told the Waltham Forest Guardian : ‘I looked out and I saw hundreds of kids shouting and screaming.
‘It looked like someone had gone into Nandos and they were waiting for them to come out.
  • They brought the whole street to a standstill. We asked some of them and they said it was ‘college fights’.”
  • Hundreds of users on social media claimed it was triggered by an argument between two girls from rival sixth-form colleges over a boy.
  • The girls are believed to be students at Leyton Sixth Form College and Sir George Monoux College.
  • Waltham Forest Police said the group of approximately 200 teenagers was dispersed by around 8.45pm.
  • A spokesman said: “The group slowly started to move after police lines were implemented. This took some time due to the large numbers.
  • “There were some small scuffles in the group but no serious assaults or damage occurred.”

Leyton Sixth Form College Principal Kevin Watson said: ‘The College is cooperating fully with the police following last evening’s disturbance.
“Clearly, we take such incidents very seriously and will respond accordingly if and when more information becomes available.’
Scotland Yard said three people were arrested, two on suspicion of affray and the third for possession of an offensive weapon. 

Source: LBC

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