Monday, October 26, 2015


SYDNEY, Australia - Drones will circle popular swimming spots in eastern Australia and "listening stations" track tagged sharks as part of a new strategy announced Sunday to keep beachgoers safe after a spate of bloody attacks.
The country has one of the world's highest incidences of shark attacks with 13 in New South Wales this year leaving one dead and seven injured, threatening the beach tourism industry.
In response the nation's most populous state, which has ruled out culling sharks, unveiled a five-year plan to address the issue, including next-generation sonar systems and boosted aerial surveillance.
  • The state's primary industries minister Niall Blair said the multi-faceted approach followed advice from experts attending a recent shark summit in Sydney and community consultation.
  • "We are proud to be the first jurisdiction anywhere in the world to adopt an integrated approach toward keeping our beaches safe," he said.
The wide-ranging AUD16 million (RM49.13 million) plan to protect swimmers and surfers, while minimizing harm to sharks, will see the trial of drones to provide real-time vision, while boosting helicopter surveillance.
The tagging of sharks will be stepped up, sonar detecting buoys deployed and 20 "listening stations" built at known hot spots using 4G technology to allow tagged animals to be monitored.

Source: The Sun Daily

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