Saturday, August 29, 2015


As tens of thousands take to the streets of Kuala Lumpur at the Bersih 4 rally today, thousands of others across the globe are doing the same in their own way.
Bersih 4 supporters gather in Perth, Australia. – Global Bersih Twitter pic, August 29, 2015.Bersih 4 supporters gather in Perth, Australia. 
Global Bersih Twitter pic, August 29, 2015.
In Perth, Australia, Malaysians have gathered since morning at Langley Park for their own Bersih 4 rally organised by Bersihkan Malaysia Perth and Malaysian Progressive Australia.
Demonstrators elsewhere around the world were also sharing their Bersih 4 moments in their respective localities via the Global Bersih group on Facebook and Twitter.
There were Bersih 4 demonstrators, whether in large and small groups or as individuals, at the Freedom Square in Taipei, Taiwan; Suzhou, China; Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand; Ontario, Canada; Switzerland, France, Singapore, Mongolia, Qatar and even Timor Leste.
A group in yellow has also gathered at the University of Washington in Seattle, United States in a photo seen on Twitter.
There was even a solidarity event underwater, as divers in Bali posed for photos with a yellow Bersih 4 banner in the sea.
Back home, the 34-hour Bersih 4 rally is taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. 
Its goals are, among others, to demand reforms in the election system, governance, freedom to protest, parliamentary democracy and the economy. 

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