Monday, August 10, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -  Umno must take on its adversaries on cyberspace that has become the new political battleground, says Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
The party president said members should acquire the ability to fight their opponents in cyberspace, be it to win the hearts and minds of the people or negative perceptions.
He said Umno’s survival depended on what was being said on social media, describing it as “more dangerous than street demonstrations”.
“It is not easy to threaten Umno’s influence through street demos but the party can easily be poisoned through social media. This is a new threat to our party and we need to tackle this,” Najib said.
“I want Umno members to be active on social media. They should have Facebook and Twitter accounts and go after those who attack the party.
“With three million members, we can defend the party and fight our enemies out there,” he said at the opening of the Bandar Tun Razak Umno meeting.
Najib said he was being constantly attacked by Umno’s enemies to weaken the party. 
“They are attacking me not because I’m Najib but because I’m Umno president. Our enemies want the party to be weak and fall and I’m their target. I wasn’t attacked like this when I was the deputy president. They are looking for my faults. If there’s none, they will create and spread vicious allegations and slander", Najib said.

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