Tuesday, August 11, 2015


NEW DELHI, India – It seems death as a result in stampede is very much synonym with Indian religious tragedy. In fact an act of suicidal to some.
Stampedes at religious festivals are common in India where massive crowds often overwhelm security and control measures.
Early yesterday A stampede outside a Hindu temple  killed at least 10 pilgrims in eastern India with others injured in the crush of up to 150,000 people a police officer said.
Those sleeping in the kilometers-long queue were trampled as others pushed towards the doors, SN Pradhan, the additional director general of police in Jharkhand, said.
“Ten people including one female devotee are now confirmed dead. Another 15 to 20 people have received injuries,” said SN Pradhan, additional director general of police in Jharkhand state where the accident occurred. 

  • Last month, 27 people died in southern India as tens of thousands of pilgrims rushed to bathe in the Godavari river during a festival.  
  • Last October, 32 people died at a festival in Bihar state.
Source: AFP, Al Jazeera

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