Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Having visited Sabah on many occasions,one can immediately notice the aura of respect and divine moderation among Sabahans. With a diverse culture and heritage, religion and racial respect is portrayed in every smiling Sabahan.
Like many Malaysians,being an avid follower in the social media,it’s refreshing to see how Sabahans adapt and co-exist so harmoniously among their Muslim,Christians,Buddhist and Hindu friends and relatives.
Politics has nurtured it’s way in the country by unscrupulous politicians with their hardline actions of being more holier than thou, hence the hostility which will eventually destroy the goodwill once enjoyed by all Malaysians.
Coming back to Sabah. As an avid follower of the social media,I stumbled upon a Catholic sacred event that took place in Ranau Sabah recently.
It was the ordination of a Catholic priest.But what impressed me most was the family members of the priest.
Father Abel was the priest,and his family members consist of relatives who had converted to Islam,and the joy seen on their faces in the photos taken is something that would shock most Peninsular Malaysians,who by the way are still very ignorant about Sabah.
Photographs of female relatives in their hijab with Father Abel would have probably triggered a protest in Peninsular Malaysia,with the excuse that ” being photographed with a Catholic priest may influence them in changing their faith and religion.
But this is Sabah,and living cordially with mutual respect is God’s gift to Sabah.
The Government of Sabah should be applauded for ensuring that racial and religious “disasters” taking place in Peninsular Malaysia stays out of Sabah.
Sabahans have shown character which must be emulated by the less informed about racial and religious co-existing. 
To know Sabah is to love Sabah,I would say.

By Jackson Chong Abdullah - SabahKini

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