Friday, May 29, 2015


DHAKA, Bangladesh - Another Bangladeshi blogger has received a death threat as targeted killings of secular bloggers and personalities have left at least three dead in the past three months.
Ananya Azad told Al Jazeera on Thursday that unidentified suspects in a Facebook message had threatened to kill him and dump 
his body at a national monument.
  • Azad, whose father Humayun was attacked by members of the banned Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen organisation in 2004, said he would be killed in a "similar manner" in order to silence others like him.
  • "Since you are the son of the atheist chief, we are tense about you...we will kill you in a similar way, we will cut you to pieces," the threat read.
Three liberal bloggers have been killed this year in Bangladesh, the latest as recent as May 12.
Atheist blogger, Ananta Bijoy Das, was hacked to death by unknown assailants in the Subid Bazar area of Sylhet city, 240km from the capital Dhaka, as he walked to work.
Avijit Roy, a US-Bangladeshi who was visiting the country to publicise his book criticising religion, was killed in February. 
Some of the suspects involved in Roy's death had confessed that he was targeted for his online posts that they said were against Islam. Both Das and Roy were mentioned in a hit-list published by hardline groups in 2013. 

Source: Al Jazeera

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