Saturday, March 28, 2015


PETALING JAYA, Malaysia -  A heartwarming story posted on Facebook about a Chinese, Malay, and Indian drew praise and garnered many ‘likes’ from the Facebook community for reminding them what it means to be Malaysian.
Balamuraly Doraisamy related on the social media website his encounter at a coffee shop which he frequented during tea time.
As he sat down to place his order, he saw a Chinese man wolfing down four packets of nasi lemak as if he had not eaten for days. 
After the starving man had wiped out his fourth packet of nasi lemak, the shop owner offered him an additional packet of Kuey Teow which the man eagerly accepted and devoured.
On seeing this, Balamuraly decided to pay for the hungry man’s bill but was informed by the shop owner that it had already been settled.
All that was left to pay was the Kuey Teow, which the shop owner had decided to put on his own tab.
  • “Anyway, the best part of this is, the poor man is a Chinese, the generous shop owner is a Malay and I am an Indian,” wrote Balamuraly.
  • He added that there were still many among us who understood the true meaning of what it means to be Malaysian.
  • He said that instead of bickering and politicising the dengue and “bantuan banjir” (flood relief efforts) issue, we should be more concerned about helping needy people, no matter what their race.
  • “I am proud to be Malaysian. Truly Malaysian,” concluded Balamuraly.
  • To which, Facebook fan Arun Pillai replied, “Lovely Sir! Happens only in Malaysia!”, while Nurul Aini, responded that she was proud to be Facebook friends with Balamuraly.
A number commented on how Balamuraly’s story had made their day, while others came forward to say they were proud to be Malaysian too.
There were no negative comments, as everyone unanimously agreed that racism was not a Malaysian trait.
“Have Faith in True Malaysians”, wrote Ashraf Shamshiri.

Source: FMT

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