Tuesday, March 31, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR - The Government has tabled six bills to deal with the growing domestic and international threat of terrorism.
Two of the six bills, the Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2015 (POTA) and the Special Measures Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Bill 2015, were tabled for their first readings while the rest are amendments to existing laws including the Penal Code and Prevention of Crime and Security Offences (Special Measures) Act.
The Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2015 was tabled for first reading on Monday following the tabling of a White Paper on tackling the Islamic State's threat by the Prime Minister on Nov 26 last year.
Among other provisions, the Bill enables a person who has been engaged in terrorist acts to be detained for up to two years in the interest of Malaysia's security after a detention order is issued.
The Bill also paves way for a Prevention of Terrorism Board to be established.
The Special Measures Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Bill, meanwhile, seeks to provide special measures to deal with anyone who engages in activities involving listed terrorist organisations in a foreign country.

Source: AsiaOne

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