Saturday, March 7, 2015


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia  - An AFP journalist estimated the crowd at around 5,000  people marched through Kuala Lumpur on Saturday to demand the release of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who was jailed last month for five years on sodomy charges.
Chanting "Free Anwar!" and "Reformasi" (Reform), the demonstrators, led by members of Anwar's family, staged a short march from a busy shopping district toward the capital's Petronas Towers skyscrapers.
Some in the crowd chanted "Down with Najib", a reference to Prime Minister Najib Razak, and carried an effigy of him.
But there were no incidents seen, and no large police presence, despite police in recent days declaring the rally illegal.
Anwar has said his conviction on charges that he sodomised a former male aide in 2008 was cooked up by Malaysia's 58-year-old government to thwart the opposition, which has made significant gains in recent parliamentary elections.
The government strongly denies the accusation and insists that its judicial system is independent and impartial.

Source: AFP

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