Saturday, January 31, 2015


JAKARTA Indonesia is ready to execute seven foreigners on death row after their appeals for presidential clemency were rejected, an official said, despite an international outcry following recent executions.
Authorities had already revealed that the two Australian leaders of the “Bali Nine” drug-smuggling gang had lost their appeals for clemency from President Joko Widodo(photo), and would likely soon face the firing squad.
A spokesman for the attorney-general’s office revealed that a further five foreign drug convicts had recently lost their appeals, from countries including France, Brazil, Nigeria and Ghana. Four Indonesians on death row had also lost their appeals.
“The attorney general’s office now has 11 convicts on death row ready to be executed,” spokesman Tony Spontana said late Wednesday.
Spontana said a decision had not yet been made on when or where the convicts would be executed, only that more than one would face the firing squad in the next round.
Indonesia earlier this month executed six drug offenders, including five foreigners, prompting a furious Brazil and the Netherlands — whose citizens were among those put to death — to recall their ambassadors. 

Sources: – AFP

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