Wednesday, January 28, 2015


WASHINGTON, U.S.A. - More than a decade after 9/11, Americans who come across a turban-wearing Sikh are still prone to mistaking him for a Muslim, according to a study released Monday. 
Sixty percent of Americans who participated in the study by the non-profit National Sikh Campaign admitted to knowing nothing about the Sikhs who live, study and work in their midst.
When shown a photo of a smiling older Sikh male in a red turban, 28% of respondents thought he was Middle Eastern and 20% believed he was Muslim.
Thirty-five percent thought he might be from India, or of Indian descent. Only 11% correctly identified him as Sikh.
Shown a fashionable young woman with knee-length hair – the Sikh faith discourages hair-cutting for either sex – 20% described her as Middle Eastern. No one thought she was Sikh.
"We have been very much part of the American fabric, and yet we are not well known, and often misunderstood," said Rajwant Singh, co-founder and senior adviser of the National Sikh Campaign.
"Frankly speaking, we are just tired of being the target and we want to be understood."
The first Sikhs emigrated to the United States from what was then British-ruled India a century ago.
Today, the Sikh American community numbers between 200,000 and 500,000. Estimates vary because the US Census Bureau collects no data on religious affiliation.
  • But in the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001, Sikhs have found themselves targeted – with sometimes bloody results – by Americans who presume anyone in a turban must be a Muslim.

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