Wednesday, September 17, 2014


REYKJAVIK, Iceland -  A flight of  Malaysia Airlines was forced to land in Iceland, after their plane’s navigation systems were damaged by the heat and debris erupting from the volcano over which it was flying. 
The company’s flight MH131 going from Paris to New York reportedly went through a zone of “heavy turbulence” with “very low visibility” for a few minutes, before many of the navigation equipment simply stopped working, forcing the pilots to land the plane manually.
According to report, the pilots were directed to fly the Boeing 777 almost directly over the active Bardarbunga volcano, despite many warnings from the International Civil Aviation Organization. 
The extreme heat and the large quantity of sediments projected in the sky by the volcanic eruption have made the flight path extremely dangerous, as the damage to the plane shows.
“There was lots of smoke and flying embers, it looked like hell!” says Mohamed Teuku, one of the survivors. “The plane was shaking and trembling, I thought it was going fall apart! I thought the company had learned their lesson and that they would stop putting people’s life in danger, but it looks like I was wrong… That’s it, I’m never flying with them again!”
However the company’s regional senior vice president PK Lee, explained that the company had “thoroughly evaluated the risks” before choosing that flight path and that the passengers’ lives were “never really at risk“.

Source: worldnewsdaily

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