Saturday, September 20, 2014


KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Bar will be going to the streets in protest of the Sedition Act.
This comes following a vote at the Bar's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to immediately organise a peaceful protest in the form of a walk, and further such action in pushing for the repeal of the 66-year law.
Malaysian Bar president Christopher Leong said the walk was one of eight components of a motion passed by the council, which aimed to protest against the recent slew of sedition cases.
"We cannot afford to walk on eggshells around draconian laws. If we are genuine, the way forward is through debate," he said, during a press conference, after the EGM at Wisma MCA Friday.
Leong said they would need time to plan the logistics of the walk, but it would definitely be done in the near future as "three to six months is too long to wait," he said.
  • He also confirmed that the rally would not use the name "Walk For Justice", which had been used in previous rallies by the Bar.
  • The motion was voted in, with 701 votes in support and 13 against.
  • A total of 986 members attended the EGM.
Among the other seven components of the motion passed include; a call for the Malaysian Government to uphold freedom of information and debate; academic and journalistic freedom; a call for the Attorney General to withdraw all pending cases, charges and appeals; and for the Government to introduce a moratarium against the use of the Act.
"The Malaysian Bar condemns the use and abuse of the Sedition Act, in particular the selective and excessive sentences meted out by the lower courts," said Leong.

Source: The Star

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