Saturday, August 23, 2014


KOTA KINABALU, Sabah, Malaysia - The world’s smallest bear almost resembles a small, cuddly dog – but don’t mistake them for the family pet. 
In fact, many people in Sabah don’t know that Borneo is actually home to the world’s smallest bear, the little known Borneo Sun Bear.
The distribution of the formerly known Malayan Sun Bear was originally widespread throughout Southeast Asia, but now Sabah remained as one of the few places in the world where it can still be found.
Sadly, deforestation is pushing this bear to the brink of extinction. At the same time, the bears are also under threat from illegal hunters either for food or medicinal purposes, at times shot to prevent damage to crops and villages and worse, taken by poachers for the pet trade.
It is also widely sought for its gallbladder thought to have medicinal value and can even be found sold at markets such as the Gaya Street in Kota Kinabalu, he said.
However, he Bornean sun bear is a protected species and those found in possession with one 
could face imprisonment.

Source: Agency

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