Saturday, August 2, 2014


BERLIN, Germany -  A rabbi, an imam and a priest start praying together under the same roof. It may sound like the start of a joke, but hopes are high it will become reality in Berlin.
The three men are working together to build a common house of worship — the House of One — in the centre of the capital that will include a church, a mosque and a synagogue, as well as a joint meeting hall at the centre of the building.
“We have noticed, as a community here in the middle of the city, that a lot of people want to meet people from different backgrounds and religions and that there is a strong desire to show that people from different religions can get along,” Pastor Gregor Hohberg of Berlin’s St Petri parish said. “We want to make a point and show that religions can be a cause of peace.”
Hohberg came up with the idea for the House of One, and teamed with Berlin Rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin and Imam Kadir Sanci. The trio hope Christians, Jews and Muslims will soon study and pray together.

Source: ABC news

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