Wednesday, August 6, 2014


We seldom heard,  taxi drivers attack tourists in any Malaysian cities. However, unfortunate New Zealand tourist or a bee keeper to be more specific was reported brutally attacked in a Malaysian hotel room in city of Kuala Lumpur.
Opotiki bee keeper Grant Stanley, 47, was attacked by a razorblades-wielding taxi driver in a Kuala Lumpur hotel, suffering deep wounds to his neck, face, lip, eyelid and back in a prolonged onslaught.
Malaysian media reporting, Stanley was slashed by a taxi driver, following an argument over a woman in a hotel room.
According to sources, the woman was a prostitute, but Stanley said their relationship was platonic and he had been trying to get her a visa to New Zealand. 
He said he had been communicating with the woman through Facebook because he wanted to "help her get out of Malaysia and the prostitution industry".
Things however turned sour after the woman introduced the taxi driver as her lover.  When  Stanley became suspicious about the couple's intentions and tried to leave. 
He had declined their repeated invitations to visit the countryside, saying he had business to do.
"There are lots of caves and holes out there. I think they were going to take me to a lookout and slit my throat, take my belongings and disappear."  
In regards with the attack Stanley said, "There was a 15-minute struggle. I started by snapping the guy's knife -- if I didn't snap that guy's knife, I'd probably be dead because the first thing that happened was he slit my throat.
  • I lost a hell of a lot of blood. In the end I lost all my strength, and I was about ready to give up".
  • "They had some shirt or some towel around my throat and were strangling me," Stanley said.
  • Stanley said, the material made it difficult for him to breathe, but that he managed to wrangle his way free after the taxi driver put his hand close to his face.
  • "I bit his finger so hard, I felt the end joint of his finger break off."
  • Stanley said he broke free, made it to the elevator which he took to the reception level where an English man came to his rescue. 
  • "I was at a point where I couldn't even hold my head up," he said. "This English guy held a towel to my throat to stem the bleeding.
Police arrested the suspect in Jalan Cheras  and they had also seized his taxi.
The 41-year-old suspect is being investigated for causing grievous hurt under Section 326 of the Penal Code. The offence carries a maximum 20 years jail and fine or rotan.
While Stanley did not wish to return to Kuala Lumpur again, a local police officer had told him he would have to return for the first day of a court trial over the attack. He said he wasn't sure if he would be able to. 

Source: Agency

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