Monday, July 28, 2014


Demand for exotic meat has led to an increase in poaching in eastern Malaysian state of Pahang. Berita Harian reported that the problem arose following demand from consumers for exotic meat. Among the animals sought were deer and jungle fowl.
State Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) director Khairah Mohd Shariff said they were aware that more poachers would be on the prowl during the Hari Raya period.
"We do not dismiss the possibility that there could be licensed hunters who are exceeding quotas set by Perhilitan, along with illegal hunters out to make easy money," she said.
She said Perhilitan personnel would be monitoring hot spots throughout the week to curb poaching.
Khairah said poachers faced fines of up to RM50,000 and a maximum of two years' imprisonment. She also warned licensed hunters against exceeding their quotas. However, she explained that Perhilitan faced an uphill battle curbing poaching due to the vast jungle areas and lack of personnel.

Source: Agency
DEMAND for exotic meat has led to an increase in poaching in Pahang.
Berita Harian reported that the problem arose following demand from consumers for exotic meat.
Among the animals sought were deer and jungle fowl.
State Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) director Khairah Mohd Shariff said they were aware that more poachers would be on the prowl during the Hari Raya period.
"We do not dismiss the possibility that there could be licensed hunters who are exceeding quotas set by Perhilitan, along with illegal hunters out to make easy money," she said.
She said Perhilitan personnel would be monitoring hot spots throughout the week to curb poaching.
Khairah said poachers faced fines of up to RM50,000 (S$19,552) and a maximum of two years' imprisonment.
She also warned licensed hunters against exceeding their quotas.
However, she explained that Perhilitan faced an uphill battle curbing poaching due to the vast jungle areas and lack of personnel.
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