Saturday, July 26, 2014


Malaysia former prime minister accused the state of Israel of behaving like untouchables in their annexation of Palestinian land, secure in their arrogance as the “chosen” people of God.
The Jews are acting worse than the Nazis who persecuted them during World War II, with their continued military oppression of the Palestinian people, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said today.
“​When Jews were persecuted by the Nazis in Germany, they seek the sympathy and support of the world. But their sufferings have taught them nothing, have not made them understand the pain of suffering,” Dr Mahathir said in his latest post on his blog,
“Instead they are now behaving worse than Nazis, not caring at all for the sufferings and deaths they inflict upon others.”
Dr Mahathir said the ongoing Israeli military offensive, which has so far killed over 600 Palestinian civilians and razed numerous public buildings and private homes, is proof that the Israelis “don’t care” what the world thinks of the massacre.
The retired politician, who is a staunch supporter of the establishment of a Palestinian state and the ouster of Jews from Arab land, accused the West of supporting Israel’s conduct by branding those who criticise the Israelis as anti-Semitic.
“​The Jews are Semitic people. So are the Arabs. But today the Jews behave as if they are the only Semitic people. They accused everyone of being anti-Semitic if they criticised the Jews or accuses them of wrong doings. For whatever they do, however criminal it may be they would accuse their detractors as being anti-Semitic.
“​In this free world we can accuse anyone of anything and it is tolerated because it is part of freedom of speech. But the Jews may not be a criticised in any way without the critic being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’. And many European countries support this view to the extent of jailing anyone accused of being anti-Semitic.
  • “Clearly the Jews think of themselves as special beings who are privileged to the point of being above condemnation or even criticism,” he said.
  • Dr Mahathir said it is unconscionable that the Israelis are allowed to forcibly take over Palestinian land, dividing communities and depriving Palestinians of even the most basic of human rights over the past 60 years of their occupation.
  • The country’s longest serving prime minister — who has a history of having used the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA) to allegedly stem political dissent — also accused the Israeli administration of detaining “hundreds” of Palestinians indefinitely, to be used as bargaining chips whenever an Israeli soldier is caught by the other side.
  • Dr Mahathir said despite their actions clearly going against international laws, morality and human rights, Israel’s Jews continue to act with impunity as if they are “above any laws, any moral code, any human values”.
“​The Europeans and the Americans created this monster and they care not for the atrocities committed by it. They will continue to support Israel even if the Israelis commit genocide, kill all the Arabs. This is their way to atone for all their treatment of the Jews in the past.
“The Jews should really be venting their spite on the Germans and other Europeans. But they are too smart. Killing Arabs is easier and more fun,” he said, referring to historical accounts of persecution of Jews by the Europeans.

Source: Malaysia Today

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