Friday, June 20, 2014


President Barack Obama on Thursday said he was dispatching up to 300 military advisers to Iraq to help quell the rising insurgency in the crumbling state. He called on Iraqi leaders to govern with a more “inclusive agenda” to ensure the country does not descend into civil war. 
Though not specifically mentioning airstrikes, an option the US has been considering, Obama said he was leaving open the possibility of “targeted” military action in the future.
He said the US also would increase its intelligence efforts in Iraq and was creating joint operations centers with Iraqis. 
When coupled with previously announced steps, Obama’s actions could put about 600 additional US troops back on the ground in Iraq. The 300 military advisers he announced on Thursday would join up to 275 being positioned in and around Iraq to provide security and support for the US Embassy in Baghdad and other American interests. 
Meanwhile, The Philippines on Thursday ordered all of its nationals out of Iraq as violence continue to rock the country.
“Due to the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the Department of Foreign Affairs has raised the crisis alert level for all areas in Iraq to Alert Level 4 (Mandatory Repatriation) except for the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, which remains under Alert Level 1 (Precautionary Phase),” the department, which is also charged with safety and security of Philippine nationals overseas, said in a statement. 
Level 4 is the highest possible level threat in the DFA protocol. It equates to mandatory evacuation of all Philippine nationals in Iraq. 
DFA spokesperson Charles Jose(pic) said, the Filipinos will be sent back to the their home 
country at the expense of the Philippine government.

Source: Agencies

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