Yingluck and Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan, her temporary replacement, were among the 39 prominent figures who on Friday reported to a military facility in Bangkok.

"We are looking after them very well. They are all under detention. We want them to talk and give them some time to relax. They are not together at the moment," he said.
However, he could not confirm their locations.
The Reuters news agency quoted another senior military official as saying Yingluck's sister and brother-in-law were among those being held.
"We will do so for not more than week, that would be too long. We just need to organise matters in the country first," said the officer.
Thailand's army chief, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, seized control of the government on Thursday, two days after he declared martial law. He said the military had to restore order and push through reforms after six months of political turmoil.
Source: Al Jazeera
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