Sunday, April 20, 2014


At least 4 Chengguan, the most hated police-inspectors in China, were beaten to death by angry people in Cangnan County of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province (located in the industrial southeast), after they killed a man with a hammer. 
The police-inspectors hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor. The man was rushed to hospital, but died on the way.
Thousands of angry people took to the streets, surrounded the police-inspectors in their van, attacked them with stones, bats, and beat them to death. 
People were shouting that the police-inspectors be killed on the spot for what they did: “Kill them! Kill them!”
These police-inspectors are notoriously violent, are rarely investigated or punished for their crimes, and are terrorizing people making a living. 
The Chengguan, which are a special combination between regular police and state inspectors, are called “violent government thugs” in China, thousands of them are on the state payroll in at least 656 cities. 
Numerous police troops were deployed to disperse the crowds, but people kept protesting and demanded that media report what happened. 
Police used tear-gas and fired warning shots in the air, but could not control the angry crowds, which kept growing.
The images are very brutal. 
Similar police violence against workers and street vendors led to at least two insurrections  against the state back in 2011.

Source: Revolution News

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