Friday, March 14, 2014


NEW YORK, USA - Rescue workers Thursday looked for more bodies as they combed through the rubble of two Manhattan apartment buildings flattened by a thunderous gas explosion, killing at least six people.
Fire Department spokesman Michael Parrella told AFP 31 people were confirmed injured and taken to hospital, although many others checked themselves in on their own. Hospital officials put the figure at 63.
City Hall says another nine people were missing, although the fire department did not have a figure of its own, Parrella said.
As dawn approached around 100 firefighters were on the scene, as well as police and emergency rescue teams, he said.
The disaster scene was one of utter devastation. Witnesses compared the scene of twisted metal, thick white smoke and dusty rubble to a war zone.
  • The explosion sparked inevitable reminders for some New Yorkers of the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001 that brought down the Twin Towers. Other witnesses said it felt like an earthquake.

Source: MSN...More...

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