Wednesday, March 26, 2014


With Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 said to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, another Malaysia Air disaster struck. According to report, one of the engines of a Malindo Air flight en route to Terengganu from Subang caught fire this morning.
Malindo Air confirmed in a statement that the aircraft's fire detection system was activated during its climb at about 7,000 feet.
"Immediately the operating crew carried out the emergency checklist as per the standard operating procedure to contain the situation," the statement said.
"The captain decided to turn back to Subang and the aircraft landed safely in Subang without any further incident and no one was hurt. All the passengers were later transferred to another flight to Terengganu."
Malindo Air said the cause of the incident is being investigated and has been reported to the relevant authorities, and the engine and aircraft manufacturer.
The Star Online also reported that on board the plane was the Terengganu football team (photo).
The English daily said everyone on board the flight was safe.

Source: The Malaysian Insider

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