Monday, March 31, 2014

“It is about defending what
is legitimately ours. It is about securing our children’s future. It is
about guaranteeing freedom of navigation for all nations,” he told a
news conference.
China’s claims over the South
China Sea, believed to harbour vast oil and gas reserves, overlap those
of the Philippines as well as Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan.
The Philippines announced last year that it
will ask the United Nations to declare China’s claims over the area
illegal under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The tribunal had
given Manila until Sunday to submit its legal brief.
- Chief Philippine government lawyer Francis Jardeleza said he expects the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, based in the German city of Hamburg, to advise both parties on the next steps. He did not know when a ruling will be made.
- Both officials declined to disclose the specifics of around 4,000 pages of documents that were submitted to the tribunal.
- China has refused to take part in the arbitration with its foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei last week warning that bilateral relations will suffer if the Philippines pursues the appeal.
- Hong also said China was “committed to managing and resolving relevant issues (in the South China Sea) through dialogue and consultation”.

The Philippine filing came a day after a Filipino supply vessel slipped past a blockade of Chinese coastguard vessels to deliver supplies to, and rotate troops from, a remote and disputed South China Sea reef.
The dramatic confrontation
took place at Second Thomas Shoal, where a small number of Filipino
soldiers are stationed on a Navy vessel that was grounded there in 1999
to assert the Philippines’ sovereignty.
- China had said its coastguard successfully turned away a similar Filipino attempt on March 9, forcing the Philippine military to air-drop supplies to the marines.
- The Philippine foreign department argues the disputed areas, including the Second Thomas Shoal, are part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone and continental shelf over which Manila has sole sovereign rights under the UN sea treaty.
- Both China and the Philippines are signatories to the 1982 treaty, but Beijing has repeatedly said it has sovereign rights over the entire Spratlys as well as waters and other islets approaching its neighbours.
- It has also accused the Philippines of illegally “occupying” Second Thomas Shoal, which is around 200 kilometres from the western Philippine island of Palawan and about 1,100 kilometres from the nearest major Chinese land mass.

The two neighbours are also
involved in increasingly frequent confrontations over Scarborough Shoal,
another South China Sea outcrop that lies about 220 kilometres west
the main Philippine island of Luzon.
Source: AFP
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Gay couples across England and
Wales said “I do” Saturday as a law authorising same-sex marriage came
into effect at midnight, the final stage in a long fight for equality.

In London, John Coffey, 52, and Bernardo Marti, 48, exchanged vows as
the clock struck midnight, before being pronounced "husband and
They were among several couples bidding to be first to take advantage of last year's Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act.
Brighton on England's south coast, Neil Allard and Andrew Wale(photo) exchanged vows and rings in the opulent splendour of the Royal Pavilion
in front of about 100 guests.
Wearing velvet-collared three-piece
suits with white flowers in their buttonholes, the smiling couple of
seven years hugged and kissed after sealing their marriage.
Source: Agencies
Saturday, March 29, 2014
What are the world’s riskiest cities when it comes to natural disasters?
For the insurance industry it seems an ever-more urgent question, so
last year one reinsurance company set out to assess 616 cities around
the world for their risk of earthquake, hurricanes and cyclones, storm
surge, river flooding and tsunami. Here are Swiss Re’s overall top 10
most risky cities:
With 37 million inhabitants
living under the threat of earthquakes, monsoons, river floods and
tsunami, the Tokyo-Yokohama region is by far the riskiest in the world:
an estimated 80 per cent of Tokyoites, or 29 million, are potentially
exposed at any one time to a very large earthquake.
Japan is also the
country most exposed to tsunami risk, as the country’s urban centres are
dotted with an almost perverse accuracy along the Ring of Fire, the
active faults of the western Pacific.
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923
devastated both Tokyo and Yokohama, killing an estimated 142,800
Built just off the Philippines
trench, Manila is one of the most risk-plagued cities you can possibly
live in. As well as the substantial earthquake risk, high wind speeds
are a severe threat: the powerful typhoon Haiyan that swept the country
last year was one of the strongest ever to make landfall.
It destroyed
several central islands, ruined the coastal city of Tacloban and killed
This near-unbroken urban
conglomeration, including Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Macau and
Ghangzhou, is home to more than 42 million people.
One of China’s
economic jewels (estimated GDP: $690bn or Dh2.5 trillion) is spread
across a flood plain threatened by all manner of natural disasters:
is the number one metropolitan area for storm surge, with 5.3 million
people affected, the third-highest for cyclonic wind damage (17.2
million), and the fifth riskiest city for river floods.
Osaka-Kobe is home to 14.6 million
people living under the threat of earthquakes such as the one that
killed thousands of people in 1995. It also suffers from brutal storms
and the risk of river flooding.
And then there are the storm surges, in
which heavy winds from typhoons of the kind that hit east Asia whip up
gigantic waves: the metropolitan area’s location on a large coastal
plain means three million people are at risk. It is also the third-most
tsunami-prone city in the world.
Fully 40 per cent of Jakarta is
below sea level; it lies in a flat basin with soft soil near a fault
line. This means earthquakes can be particularly dangerous to its 17.7
million inhabitants, as the soft soil can magnify the intensity of the
Quakes can also liquify Jakarta’s poorly drained soil, causing
the ground to lose its structural integrity and react like a liquid. Add
to that Jakarta’s risk of river flood and it becomes one of the most
exposed cities on the planet.

With 12 million people in
total at great risk, tsunamis affect by far the fewest people of the
great five natural disasters analysed here – but the death tolls can be
River floods also affect Kolkata,
with 10.5 million people at risk – but the eastern Indian city is also
fifth in terms of tsunami risk, with more than half a million people
It is also threatened by hurricanes, human-made disaster like fire and rampant transportation vehicle accidents.
With so many cities built on
flood plains and river deltas, flooding is the most common risk they
face. India and China face the most significant risks; with 11.7 million
residents directly threatened, Shanghai is a particular hot spot for
flooding, but other such risky cities include Bangkok, Mexico City,
Baghdad, Paris and Doha.
Its location on the San
Andreas Fault makes Los Angeles one of the most earthquake-prone cities –
although not as vulnerable to tsunami as might be expected. Subduction
zones, where oceanic plates dive underneath the continental crust,
generally create much larger tsunamis than so-called “strike-slip”
faults such as the San Andreas and Northern Anatolian faults.
comfort to the 14.7 million inhabitants of the area threatened by
San Andreas
fault or the Pacific Ring of Fire as being the riskiest zones for
earthquakes, but not everyone is immediately aware that the Northern
Anatolian fault is one of the most dangerous in the world.
The entire
13.6 million population of Tehran is exposed, as are the residents of
Bucharest, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and much of Turkey.
last quake in Tehran was in 1830, and its building regulations are
shakily followed at best – making it a city living on borrowed time.
Source: Agencies
Friday, March 28, 2014
U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy said he saw no remorse from Jordan
Graham, 22, in the killing of Cody Johnson, 25.
He sentenced her to 30
years and five months in prison and ordered her to pay $16,910 in
Graham will be subject to five years of court supervision upon her
release. There is no possibility of parole in the federal system,
meaning she's likely to serve the full term.
Source: CBC...More...
Thursday, March 27, 2014
BEIJING - More than 10 tigers have been
killed as "visual feasts" to entertain officials and rich businessmen in
a Chinese city, state media reported.
Police in Zhanjiang in the southern province of Guangdong seized a
freshly slaughtered tiger and multiple tiger products in a raid this
month, said the Nanfang Daily, the mouthpiece of the provincial
Communist Party.

An experienced cattle or pig slaughterer is normally hired to butcher
the carcass, it said, adding that tiger bones sold for an average of
14,000 yuan (S$2,850) a kilogramme while the meat fetched 1,000 yuan a
- Police said a butcher - who jumped to his death while trying to escape arrest in a raid - had killed more than 10 animals, the report Wednesday added.
- "The tigers were probably anaesthetised for transport. But buyers would check them to make sure that they were alive before the killing," it quoted an unnamed source as saying.
- Most buyers of the meat and bones were business owners who would then give them to officials as gifts, the paper said.

Decades of trafficking and habitat destruction have slashed the
roaming big cat's numbers from 100,000 a century ago to approximately
3,000, according to the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature's Red List of threatened species, where
it is classed as
Source: AsiaOne
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Officials said they were hoping that the number of missing would
decline as some of those listed may have been double-counted or were
slow to alert family and officials of their whereabouts. Eight people
were injured.
But the disaster already ranks as one of the deadliest landslides in
recent US history. In 1969, 150 people were killed in landslides and
ensuing floods in Nelson County, Virginia, according to the US
Geological Survey.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Immediately the operating crew carried out the emergency checklist as
per the standard operating procedure to contain the situation," the
statement said.
"The captain decided to turn back to Subang and the aircraft landed
safely in Subang without any further incident and no one was hurt. All
the passengers were later transferred to another flight to Terengganu."

The Star Online also reported that on board the plane was the Terengganu football team (photo).
The English daily said everyone on board the flight was safe.
Source: The Malaysian Insider
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Obama, speaking at the end of the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague, Netherlands, said the sanctions could target Russia’s energy, finance, arm sales and trade sectors.

Potential sectoral sanctions are still being researched, Obama said. Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, standing at a podium alongside Obama, said European countries support the U.S. idea, even though the new sanctions would have global financial repercussions.
Obama conceded Russia has a right to station 30,000 of its troops
near the eastern Ukrainian border, but urged Vladimir Putin’s government
to seek a diplomatic solution with Ukraine.
- “This is not a zero sum game,” Obama said, adding there was a place for Russia’s influence in Ukraine.
- “It is up to the Ukrainian people to make decisions about how they organize themselves and who they interact with."
- Side discussions about Ukraine have overshadowed some of the summit's nuclear agenda. On Wednesday, G7 leaders issued a declaration reiterating their support for Ukraine’s new government and calling Russia’s annexation of Crimea illegal.
The leaders “reaffirm our support for Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence,” the declaration read.
The G7 countries — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and U.S. called on Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine, and begin talks with the interim government.
The G7 did praise Russia for its decision to allow observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) into Ukraine.
Representatives from Ukraine, meanwhile, worked on a deal with the International Monetary Fund to provide a $15-20-billion relief package.
The G7 countries — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and U.S. called on Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine, and begin talks with the interim government.
The G7 did praise Russia for its decision to allow observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) into Ukraine.
Representatives from Ukraine, meanwhile, worked on a deal with the International Monetary Fund to provide a $15-20-billion relief package.
Source: CBC
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens
less than an hour after take-off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239
people on board on March 8.

Malaysian Airlines said on Monday it was now "beyond any reasonable
doubt" that missing flight MH370 had been lost and there were no
"Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the
passengers and crew to inform them of this development," said the prime
"For them, the past few weeks have been heartbreaking; I know this news must be harder still.
"I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time."
Source: Al Jazeera
Monday, March 24, 2014

The couple were believed to
be holding sensitive positions in the local insurgent movement with
Tiamzon being the current chair of the CPP and Austria, the person in
charge of the organisation’s finances.

Armed Forces Chief Emmanuel Bautista (photo) in a press briefing, announced that Tiamson and his wife, Wilma Austria, were arrested by joint units of the national police and the military on the basis of an arrest warrant issued against them for committing “crimes against humanity” and the murder and attempted killing of several others in Samar.
“In many areas of the country the insurgents have lost their
ideological moorings and have degenerated into bandit groups primarily
focused on extortion activities only,” he said.
The group commanded an estimated 25,000 armed regulars deployed in
various parts of the country during the mid-1980s, but now the
membership of the CPP-NPA, according military appraisals, has dwindled
to around 4,000 people.
Source: AFP, Agencies
Sunday, March 23, 2014
"I saw 60 or more carcasses of sea turtles strewn at two sites and
hidden under trees at the north eastern tip of Pulau Tiga - ironically
one of the islands included in the proposed million-acre Tun Mustapha
Marine Park and a premier Coral Triangle site," Dr James Alin said.

"Five to six of them were camping at different locations in Pulau Tiga, live sea turtles were brought to Balambangan where they would be kept inside a pen or fish cages ," the informants reported.

But one a while, they also slaughter sea turtles for meat and hide it inside ice boxes and transport them across the Balabac Strait where they sell them to fishing vessels from Mainland China and Vietnam, Dr James said.
The wholesale price of fresh turtle meat is RM300 per kg but only RM100
for dried meat while an adult live turtle can be sold at RM2,000
whereas juvenile turtles can fetch RM1,300, Dr James said.
- The poachers are said to comprise foreigners from Mangsee island in Philippines and locals from Manabuan and Dogotan islands within the Banggi region. "The tawkeh claimed that one of his friend actually alerted the Maritime Enforcement Agency," Dr James said.
- Citing an interesting incident, he said in November 2013, two Malaysians, Ku Vui Hjung and Rahman bin Abdul Rahman, both from Kudat, were arrested by the Philippine National Police (PNP) Marine Group in Mangsee island allegedly in possession of 10,000 turtle eggs, two sacks of dried sea turtle meat and three sacks of dried giant clams.
- The two suspects were brought under the custody of Special Boat Unit in Puerto Princessa City which filed charges against them for violating Section 27(1) of Republic Act 9147 (The Wildlife Act).
- In December 2013, PNP Marine Group were conducting operations in the waters of Balabac when they noticed foreign vessels and arrested 13 Vietnamese for illegally entering Philippines Waters and poaching protected marine species.
In November 2912, the PNP found and rescued 123 live sea turtles of
various species hidden in three submerged cages inside a mangrove swamp
in Balabac Island. Six turtles died, no arrests were made and the
surviving turtles released in marine species sanctuary Roughton Island,
Dr James said.
Source: Daily Express
