Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has declared it cannot compensate relatives of people killed by wild animals straying out of the country's national parks.
"There is no law regarding compensating people killed by animals. It is the government which should come up with laws on compensation," Dr Andrew Seguya executive director of UWA said yesterday.
"Lions, crocodiles and elephants are known to kill people. Sometimes the animals come out of protected areas but at times people get killed when they enter protected areas," he said.
Some non-governmental organisations (NGO) have attempted to document the lives lost at the jaws of wild animals following complaints by various communities living around the national parks.
The communities have petitioned the parliament and the Ministry of Tourism for assistance.
A report by the parliamentary committee on trade, tourism and industry said there is no policy on compensation for loss of lives and destruction of property around wildlife-protected areas, leading to tension within communities living around the parks.
Knowing compensation is not available, I wonder if those  NGO are fully insured before they explore the wilderness in Uganda or other countries in Africa.

Source: Agency

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