Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The Catholic Church has once again reiterated that its weekly newspaper, Herald, is a "controlled" publication, meant only for distribution in Catholic churches, dismissing Putrajaya's allegation that it is widely circulated.
Herald editor Reverend Father Lawrence Andrew(photo) brushed aside Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala's claims that the newspaper's "potentially wide circulation" could make it a tool of Christian propagation.
"This is not true at all. Our circulation is controlled. It is sent only to Catholic churches for distribution among our members.
"If anyone wants to challenge this, they can and should provide evidence if they claim otherwise," he added.
In his latest column in the Star, Idris, referring to the court case involving the Herald, said the Home Minister had exercised his discretion to prohibit the use of the word "Allah" on grounds of public order and security although Putrajaya's 10-point solution allows the Malay-language Bible containing the word.
The Court of Appeal, he added, had ruled that the use of the word "Allah" in the Alkitab (pic, left), the Malay-language Bible, is different from its use in the Herald, which has a wider distribution and readership.

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