Sunday, December 29, 2013


LONDON, U.K. -  Police in UK are being called on to deal with unearthly beings.
Figures released by 17 forces in England and Wales reveal hundreds of people, perhaps inspired by the film Ghostbusters, have dialled 999 to report supernatural activity.
What’s more officers have often headed out in response. Logs show 277 requests for urgent assistance with “paranormal” or “extraterrestrial” incidents in the past three years.

  • Most of the reports related to ghosts, with some callers saying they had been possessed.
  • One man believed there was a ghost in his house and had discovered blood on the bathroom door. It was later found to be a prank by his friends. Another, in Saltash, Cornwall, told police call handlers he had been visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Some claimed to be protecting their loved ones. British Transport Police were alerted in 2012 to a passenger who said there were witches and warlocks travelling on a train from Edinburgh to London and that a warlock had attacked their partner.
For others, the people closest to them were a supernatural cause for concern. A caller in Tring, Hertfordshire, told officers that their ex-partner was “some kind of vampire”.

Source: Agencies...More...

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