Tuesday, July 23, 2013


TRAPPES, France - About 250 people hurling projectiles clashed with police firing tear gas west of Paris, in apparent protest over enforcement of France's ban on Islamic face veils. Five people were injured and six detained in the violence, authorities said. 
The interior minister urged calm and dialogue, insisting on the need for public order and respect for France's Muslims. 
The incident in the town of Trappes on Friday night reflected tensions between police upholding France's strict policies of secularism and those who accuse authorities of discriminating against France's No. 2 religion. 
A few trash bins were torched and a bus shelter shattered in the Trappes unrest. Spent tear gas capsules lay on the road Saturday near the police station at the center of the violence. France has barred face veils since 2011. 
  • The French government has condemned as "unacceptable" weekend violence outside Paris triggered by the country's ban on full-face veils and strongly defended the controversial law.
  • Two senior members of the government, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and Interior Minister Manuel Valls spoke on Monday following the violence in the suburb of Trappes, southwest of Paris.

Source: AP

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