“The date for
nomination is on April 20, which is a Saturday, early voting is on April
30 and polling is on May 5, which is on a Sunday.”
- Yesterday, the commission chief had hinted it may depart with tradition and fix polling for Election 2013 to take place on a weekday.
- The commission decided today, however, to stick with custom and allow Malaysians to cast their ballots on Sunday.
- The commission has also been given RM400 million to carry out the elections, Abdul Aziz said, adding that it was the biggest budget to date.
- The EC has appointed 379 officers to enforce the election rules and another 222 officers and 1,088 assistants to monitor the polls during the formal campaign period.
- A total 8,789 voting centres will be set up, the EC chairman said.
- The commission will also be using the electoral roll last updated in the fourth quarter of 2012, which will be gazetted tomorrow, he said.
- A total 13,268,002 Malaysians registered on the roll and are eligible to vote in the 13th general elections, touted to be a tight race between a stronger three-party opposition pact and the BN coalition for federal power.
Source: The Malaysian Insider
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