Thursday, February 7, 2013


The report by the Australian Crime Commission, published on Thursday, said the criminal networks involved in the distribution of illegal substances may have resulted in match-fixing and betting fraud.
The year-long "Project Aperio" documented widespread use of prohibited substances including peptides, hormones and illicit drugs, and the infiltration of organised criminal groups in the distribution of performance and image enhancing drugs.
"The findings are shocking and will disgust Australian sports fans", Jason Clare, justice minister, said. "Multiple athletes from a number of clubs in major Australian sporting codes are suspected of currently using or having used peptides.''
Illicit drug use by professional athletes was more prevalent than had been indicated by sports drugs testing programmes, the ACC report noted, adding that some coaches, sports scientists and support staff had "orchestrated and/or condoned the use of prohibited substances".
The ACC said it could not disclose the details of individuals or sports involved, but had given classified briefings to administrators of some sports or clubs and had referred its findings of suspected criminal activity to the Australian Federal Police and state police forces.
The investigation focused mainly on two prominent sports codes and "identified use of these substances, which are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), by professional athletes in a number of sports in Australia", the report said.
"Widespread use has been identified or is suspected in a number of professional sporting codes."

Source: Al Jazeera...More...

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