Saturday, December 8, 2012


SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. U.S.A. - The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Friday to review California's same-sex marriage ban disappointed some Golden State gay couples who would have been able to wed if the court refused to hear the case.
If the court had not taken the case, a federal appeals court ruling that had overturned the
ban would have been the law of the state, opening the way to same-sex marriages in California and leaving the nation unchanged.  Now the Supreme Court could decide whether  or not the U.S. Constitutional guarantees gays the right to marry.   
The stakes are now higher, the wait is longer, and there is no certainty gay rights advocates will win.
"I'm not going to lose hope and lose faith. The winds of change are upon us," said Elizabeth Chase, 30, an ad sales person who wants to marry her girlfriend and came to city hall to hear city leaders discuss court plans.
The Beaux-Arts city hall is a popular place for San Franciscans to marry, and heterosexual couples were tying the knot as city officials spoke. 
"I've been waiting for three years to enjoy the same things these folks are enjoying," Chase said as she looked longingly at a bride in a long white dress marry her groom.
"I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little disappointed," Chief Deputy City Attorney Therese Stewart, who argued in court against Proposition 8, which was passed by voters in fall 2008. Stewart married a woman in summer 2008, before Prop 8 ended court-approved same-sex marriage. 

Source: Agency


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