Monday, December 10, 2012


PUNJAB, Paksitan Province - In Multan district of the Punjab province, a farmer was thrown to savage dogs as a form of punishment by a local landlord and his son.
Allah Bakhash, along with his son Asif, the local landlords, attacked Mohammad Hanif, a farmer and later threw him to the dogs. 
Hanif was taken to a hospital in Shujabad where the required medicines were not available and his wounds turned gangrenous. 
  • He was then admitted  to Nishtar Hospital in Multan, where he died.
  • The police, instead of registering a case against the landlord, filed a case of molesting and attacking a feudal lord against the victim.
  • However, the police later told the local media that they were investigating the matter and would soon lodge a case against the landlord and his son.
  • The constitution prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment but such cruel incidents have been rampant in the society.
  • Police and lower courts largely remain corrupt, inefficient and subject to pressure from wealthy, prominent and political persons.
Source: Agency

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