Sunday, December 18, 2011


MOSCOW, Russia - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned the US against continuing its habit of “pushing around” Russia, calling its stance towards Moscow “unacceptable”.
Medvedev's remarks were made to a number of Russian lawmakers, regarding a recent telephone conversation he had with US President Barack Obama.
“If they [the US] want to push us around, we'll push back. But if they hear our concerns, then we can work together,” Medvedev said.Bulleted List
  • Medvedev added that correctly delivered constructive comments were perfectly welcome, while Cold War-era statements from the US were not accepted.
  • “The streets are not the US State Department. The streets reflect the mood of our people.” The Russian President said, referring to a recent remark made by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who called the elections “neither free nor fair.”
  • Medvedev told the ministers that he would not tolerate further intimidation and that his country would continue to pursue its interests in the international arena.
Over the past days, thousands of people in Moscow and around Russia have demanded a rerun of the allegedly fraudulent parliamentary elections held on 4th December, which resulted in the victory of Vladimir Putin's ruling party.
Clinton has alleged that Russia's parliamentary vote was rigged, demanding a full investigation. In response, Russia has accused the US and its allies of meddling in Moscow's internal affairs.
Source: Press TV

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